Working at the
computer too long?
Sore Neck?..
Sore Back?.. Sore Shoulders?
Working for long hours at a desk in front of a computer
can lead to back, shoulder and neck pain. This results in
repetitive stress injuries (RSI) that can make you uncomfortable,
unhappy and, ultimately, less productive.
A Computer Ergonomic software program
integrated into our work schedule
can help alleviate RSI by way of disciplined exercise
programs of stretching and toning our muscles.
Desktop Exercising is a PC-based program that allows you and\or your employees
automatically schedule
video stretch break exercises
on your computer
throughout the workday!
*Desktop Exercising requires Windows Media
Player (WMP). You need WMP 7.0 or higher for Windows 98,
ME, 2000 and XP or WMP 6.4 for Windows NT.
You can download Microsoft Windows Media Player here!
Sample Exercise Movie Clip- Click
4-5 minute download at 56k. Viewed with Windows Media
Player 6.4 or higher)
See the Automatic Scheduler in action!
Minimize the risk of Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI);
Reduce Back, Neck, and Shoulder pain. Reduce
chances of developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Reduce stress levels for your employees
Increase productivity of your workers
compliance issues with Federal and
Occupational Safety & Health Administrations
And... save your company money
by reducing
sick days and worker's compensation claims
Each exercise is presented by a real instructor of your
choice as a video runs in the corner of your computer
Such exercises include:
Back, Neck and Arm Stretches
Lower Back and Leg Stretches
Wrist Exercises
And so much more!
Desktop Exercising program is a real benefit to my daily
work environment. Although I stretch every morning
before work, I usually still experience stiffness and
fatigue by the end of the day. By adding these
brief sessions throughout my workday, I now prevent fatigue
and stiffness altogether. Several of our staff have
joined in and use this wonderful tool as well.
I highly recommend this program to all."
Marshall, MJ Segal & Associates-Manufacturers Representative
So, what are you waiting for? Stay Computer-Fit!